Integrated waveguides

We implement solution processes to make mid-IR waveguides from chalcogenide glass. In contrast to etching-based methods, our solution-casting technique enables fabrication of microns-thick structures that match quantum cascade laser dimensions for on-chip integration. This technology leads the way to realizing compact and low-cost mid-IR laser-integrated devices for advanced chemical sensing.

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    1. C. Tsay, Y. Zha, and C. B. Arnold , “Solution-processed chalcogenide glass for integrated single-mode mid-infrared waveguides,” Opt. Exp. 18, 26744-26753 (2010) | Full text | View at publisher
    2. C. Tsay, F. Toor, C. Gmachl, and C. B. Arnold, “Chalcogenide glass waveguides integrated with quantum cascade lasers for on chip mid-IR photonic circuits,”  Opt. Lett. 35, 3324-3326 (2010) | Full text | View at publisher
    3. C. Tsay, E. Mujagic, C. K. Madsen, C. Gmachl, and C. B. Arnold, “Mid-Infrared characterization of solution processed As2S3 chalcogenide glass waveguides”, Opt. Exp 18, 15523-15530 (2010) | Full text | View at publisher
    4. X. Xia, Q. Chen, C. Tsay, C. B. Arnold, and C. K. Madsen, “Low-loss chalcogenide waveguides on lithium niobate for the mid-infrared” Opt. Lett. 35, 3228-3230 (2010) | Full text | View at publisher